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We offer a full range of chimney related services, as can be seen below. If you have a query, please get in touch where we'll be happy to advise - 07521 718848.


Chimneys Swept by our professional sweeps
Chimney Sweep

We sweep all types of chimney, inluding , steel liners, precast, lined flues and traditional brick.

Stove repairs, renovations and installations
Stove renovations/ repairs
Woodburners and stoves installed
Stove installations

We are HETAS certified, meaning we are fully trained and experienced to install solid fuel appliances, fireplaces, pellet stoves and more) to current regulations. Furthermore, being HETAS certified means we can sign-off all of our installations, thus proving you with all of the legally required paperwork and informing all the relevant authorities upon completion of the work.

Smoke testing after chimney sweeping
Smoke testing
Birds nests removal and bird cowl fitting
Birds' nest removal

We are fully experienced birds' nest removers-we have yet to be beaten! ...and we can fit bird cowls to prevent future blockages.

Chimney stack repairs and repointing
Chimney repairs

Many clients are surprised to learn that their beloved antique stove can be returned to its former glory-including glass replacement, repainting and re-sealing. Call us for details.

As part of our commitment to your safety and peace of mind, we always offer a smoke test to prove the full functionality of your chimney/ flue.

One of the lesser known disadvantages of burning solid fuels is that over time it can damage mortar and brickwork, due to acid erosion from sulfurous fuels. We can rebuild/ repair stacks, fit chimney pots, repair flaunching and much more-see gallery for images.

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